All fuel oil / kerosene / diesel deliveries must be either prepaid by cash or check, paid with approved established credit at George's P&H LLC, paid at the time of delivery, or paid with a supplied credit card.
The "Current Oil Price" is only valid if the oil is paid for by prepaying (with cash or check only), paying on delivery, or paying within 10 days (for established customers only).
All new customers MUST either pay by credit card (price is $0.05 higher per gallon) or pay at the time of delivery.
All existing customers MUST pay by cash or check within 10 days or the price is $0.05 higher per gallon
The "Current Oil Price" is only valid if the oil is paid for by prepaying (with cash or check only), paying on delivery, or paying within 10 days (for established customers only).
All new customers MUST either pay by credit card (price is $0.05 higher per gallon) or pay at the time of delivery.
All existing customers MUST pay by cash or check within 10 days or the price is $0.05 higher per gallon